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Writer's pictureDaniel Botoc

Behind the scenes with Anna — Cruise Ship Vocalist

With a unique blend of music and travel, Anna shares her experiences as a production vocalist on a cruise ship.

What's the best and most unexpected perk of living and working on a

cruise ship?

The best and most unexpected perk of living and working on a cruise ship is the

incredible sense of community and camaraderie that develops among the crew

members. While I knew I would enjoy performing and entertaining guests, I didn’t

anticipate how close-knit and supportive the crew would become. We are like a

family, always sticking together, going out, and enjoying crew parties and events.

This strong bond with my colleagues has made the experience so much richer and

more fulfilling. Additionally, I love the little conversations with ship visitors, which

always energize and inspire me. Another unexpected perk is the opportunity to

explore different ports and cultures, which broadens my horizons and keeps life


How do you stay connected with loved ones back home while traveling

the world?

Staying connected with my loved ones while traveling the world can be

challenging, especially with limited internet access on the ship. However, I make the

most of every opportunity to keep in touch. Whenever we dock at a port, I make it a

priority to find reliable internet through roaming or local cafes with Wi-Fi. These

moments are precious, as I get to catch up with my family and boyfriend, share my

experiences, and hear about their lives. I also use social media to stay updated and

share my journey with them, which helps bridge the distance. Although it's not the

same as being there in person, these connections mean a lot and keep me grounded and supported while I'm away.

Does the constant movement ever get tiring, or do you find it exciting?

The constant movement of living and working on a cruise ship is definitely more

exciting than tiring for me. Each new destination brings fresh experiences and

opportunities to explore different cultures, which keeps life on board dynamic and

stimulating. There are times when the constant travel can be exhausting, especially

when combined with my performance schedule. However, the excitement of seeing

new places and meeting new people far outweighs any fatigue. Additionally, the

support and camaraderie of my fellow crew members help keep my energy and spirits high. Overall, the thrill of adventure and the joy of performing for diverse audiences make the constant movement a truly exhilarating part of my job.

What are some of the challenges of living in a small cabin for an

extended period?

Living in a small cabin for an extended period comes with its own set of

challenges. Space is limited, so keeping things organized and tidy is essential to

maintain a comfortable living environment. Storage can be a bit tricky, and I've had

to learn to be efficient with the space I have, often opting for multifunctional items

and keeping my belongings to a minimum. Privacy can also be an issue since the

cabins are close to one another, and there's not much room to retreat to when I need some alone time. Despite these challenges, I've adapted by creating a cozy and personal space that feels like home, and I make sure to spend time in communal areas or outdoors to avoid cabin fever.

Have you encountered any interesting cultures or traditions on different

ports of call?

Yes, I've encountered some fascinating cultures and traditions while visiting

various ports of call. This is my first time visiting Finland, Norway, and Iceland, and

each country has left a lasting impression on me.

Norway's stunning landscapes and rich Viking history captivated me. I loved learning

about the traditional Norwegian folk music and dance, which are still very much alive in their culture.

However, Iceland has been the highlight of my travels so far. It's the most beautiful

country I've ever seen, with its breathtaking natural scenery, including geysers,

waterfalls, and glaciers. The warmth and hospitality of the Icelandic people made my experience even more memorable. Exploring these new places and immersing myself in their cultures has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job.

What's your pre-show routine to get your voice warmed up and ready

to perform?

My pre-show routine is essential for ensuring my voice and body are prepared for a performance. I start by spending about 15 minutes warming up my voice with vocal exercises like scales, lip trills, and humming. I also have my own personal chant that

I use to get into the right mindset and energize my vocal cords. Drinking hot tea helps to soothe my throat and keep it hydrated. I incorporate some light stretching to relax my body and improve my posture, which is crucial for breath control while singing.

After these preparations, I do my stage makeup and put on my performance outfit,

whether it’s a suit or a dress. This routine not only gets me physically ready but also

mentally focused and excited for the show.

How do you manage to learn and rehearse so many different shows

throughout your contract?

Managing to learn and rehearse multiple shows throughout my contract requires

organization and focus. First, I find out which show will be performed first and

dedicate my initial efforts to that specific show. I immerse myself in the material by

watching videos, reviewing scripts and music, and understanding the overall flow of

the performance. Once I feel confident with the first show, I then switch my focus to

the next one, using the same approach. This methodical process allows me to

thoroughly prepare for each show without feeling overwhelmed.

Additionally, I regularly review all the shows to keep them fresh in my mind and ensure I’m always ready to perform at my best. Balancing this preparation with the support and collaboration of my fellow performers helps make the process smooth and manageable.

What's the funniest (or most unexpected) thing that's happened during

a performance?

One of the funniest and most unexpected things that happened during a

performance occurred when the captain of the ship made an announcement that

whales were spotted overboard. As soon as the announcement was made, the entire audience in the theater rushed out to catch a glimpse of the whales. It was quite a sight to see everyone sprinting towards the deck, leaving the hall almost empty!

Thankfully, they all came back shortly after, and we were able to continue the show.

It was a memorable moment that added a bit of excitement and spontaneity to the performance, and it reminded us all of the unique and unpredictable nature of life on a cruise ship.

Do you have any favorite roles or songs you particularly enjoy


Absolutely! One of my favorite shows to perform is "Rock Factory," a new

production from TUI Cruises. I really enjoy singing "Whole Lotta Love" from that

show; it's such a powerful and energetic song that really lets me channel my passion for rock music.

Another role I particularly love is playing the Diva in the "Kokettarie" Show. It’s

such a dynamic and glamorous role, and performing "Hey Big Spender" is always a

highlight for me. The song is so much fun to sing and allows me to connect with the

audience in a vibrant and entertaining way. Both of these roles and songs bring a lot of joy to my performances and make each show a unique experience.

How do you deal with stage fright or nerves before a big show?

Dealing with stage fright or nerves is something every performer faces from time

to time. I find that breathing practices are incredibly helpful. I use special techniques

to calm my breathing and center myself before stepping on stage. This helps me to

manage any anxiety and stay focused. I also remind myself that I’m a professional

and that I’ve prepared thoroughly for the show. Believing in my preparation and

experience helps reassure me that everything will be alright. Over time, I’ve learned

that these nerves are a natural part of performing and can even be a source of energy and excitement. Embracing them and using them to fuel my performance helps me give my best on stage.

How close do you get with the other performers and crew members on


The relationships with fellow performers and crew members on board are

incredibly close and meaningful. Living and working together in such a unique

environment fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork. We spend a lot of

time together both on and off the stage, which naturally leads to deep bonds. We

support each other through rehearsals, performances, and daily life, and we often go out together, whether it’s for crew parties or exploring new ports or even countries.

These close relationships are a vital part of the cruise experience, making it feel like a family rather than just a workplace. The mutual support and shared experiences

create lasting friendships and a positive, collaborative atmosphere on board.

Do you have any funny stories or inside jokes with your fellow


Absolutely, we definitely have our share of funny stories and inside jokes! The

camaraderie among the performers and crew leads to a lot of lighthearted moments and laughter. These inside jokes and anecdotes are part of what makes working on the ship so enjoyable. While I prefer to keep those particular stories among us, I can say that they add a lot of fun and warmth to our everyday interactions and help strengthen our bonds. It’s all part of the unique and supportive environment we create together on board. I’m sure we’ll never forget them :)

How does the entertainment team collaborate to create a cohesive

show experience?

Creating a cohesive show experience is all about teamwork and open

communication within the entertainment team. We start by listening carefully to the

opinions and guidance of our supervisors and coaches, who bring valuable experience and vision to the table. Their insights help us understand the overall direction and goals of each performance.

We also actively share our ideas and suggestions during rehearsals and planning

sessions. It's important that everyone feels heard and valued, as this fosters a

collaborative environment where creativity can thrive. By combining our individual

strengths and perspectives, we can develop innovative and engaging performances.

We work closely together to ensure that each element, from choreography to vocal harmonies to stage design, aligns seamlessly. This collaborative process not only enhances the quality of our performances but also strengthens our bonds as a team, ultimately resulting in a more cohesive and captivating show for our audience.

What are some of the ways you keep yourselves entertained during long

stretches at sea?

Keeping ourselves entertained during long stretches at sea is essential for

maintaining our morale and sense of community. One of our favorite activities is

taking dance classes together, which not only helps us stay in shape but also allows us to have fun and learn new styles. We also enjoy playing board games, with "Wizard" being a particular favorite among the crew.

Organizing private parties is another great way we unwind and bond. These events

give us a chance to relax, celebrate, and enjoy each other’s company away from our work routines. Watching movies together is another popular pastime; it’s a cozy way to spend an evening and provides a shared experience that brings us closer.

These activities help us create a lively and supportive environment on board, making the long stretches at sea enjoyable and filled with camaraderie.

Have you formed any lasting friendships with people you have met while working on a cruise ship?

Yes, I have met a lot of incredible people while working on the cruise ship, and

I’ve formed lasting friendships with many of them. Being surrounded by talented

actors, singers, and dancers has been both inspiring and rewarding. We spend so much time together, both professionally and socially, that we naturally become very


In fact, I now have two very close friends from my time on the ship. Our shared

experiences and the unique lifestyle we lead have created strong bonds between us.

What advice would you give to someone who dreams of becoming a

cruise ship vocalist?

My advice for anyone dreaming of becoming a cruise ship vocalist would be to

focus on a few key areas. First, hone your vocal skills and performance abilities—

strong technical skills and a diverse repertoire are essential. It’s also important to be

adaptable and willing to perform various styles and genres, as cruise ships often

feature a wide range of shows.

In addition to your vocal preparation, work on your flexibility and teamwork skills.

Life on a cruise ship involves collaborating closely with a diverse group of people, so

being a positive, supportive team player is crucial.

Be prepared for the unique aspects of life at sea, including living in close quarters and dealing with the constant travel. Staying organized and managing your time

effectively will help you balance rehearsals, performances, and downtime.

Finally, maintain a positive attitude and stay open to new experiences. The cruise ship environment can be incredibly rewarding and full of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

What's the most rewarding part of being a cruise ship performer?

The most rewarding part of being a cruise ship performer is the unique

opportunity to connect with people from all around the world and create memorable experiences for them. Performing for diverse audiences every day and receiving their feedback and appreciation is incredibly fulfilling. It’s also wonderful to see the joy and excitement on guests' faces during and after our shows.

Additionally, the sense of camaraderie and support among the crew members and

fellow performers is a significant reward. Living and working closely with such a

talented and dedicated team creates a strong, positive atmosphere and lasting


On a personal level, the chance to explore new destinations and immerse myself in

different cultures is an exciting aspect of the job. Each port offers new experiences

and inspiration, enriching my life both professionally and personally.

Overall, the combination of these elements makes the experience profoundly rewarding and fulfilling.

Is there a specific destination or type of show you'd love to experience

on a future contract?

If I have a goal, I confidently go towards it and don’t give up. I constantly strive

to improve by trying myself at different castings and attending live auditions

whenever possible. I also work on expanding my repertoire with various songs from

different genres, and regularly update my photos and promo videos. I believe that

with persistence and belief, it will all work out eventually.

As for shows, I absolutely love performing the Rock Factory show. It’s a new

production from TUI Entertainment and is incredibly dynamic and provocative,

giving me unreal emotions during each performance. Additionally, I have a deep

passion for the cabaret style. The Kokettarie show is perfect for me both vocally and

in terms of my stage persona. The role of the Diva in Kokettarie allows me to fully

express my talent and creativity.

In terms of destinations, I’m always excited to explore new places. I would love to

experience more exotic and culturally rich locations on future contracts. Performing

in new and diverse settings not only broadens my horizons but also brings fresh

inspiration to my performances.


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